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Tree Shadows on Wall

Helen of Thai

Elegant Modern Wall Art Canvas Interior Mockup for Instagram Post (5000 × 4500 px) (Photo

About me

My name is Helen Andersen, but in my homeland of Thailand I am known as Kanyakon Hirankramon

I  have a business background  and degrees in market management and personal management in Bangkok. 

I owned a garment factory   for seventeen years.

Then for seven years I imported flowers and ran a florist shop.I met a wonderful American man who I am now married to for 10 years. We spent 6 years together in Thailand before moving to the United States in 2016. My business is my fun. I love every art project I have ventured into such as flower arrangements, abstract painting,  and interior design.

    When I became interested in palate knife art I studied under Leonid Afremov who is a World

Renowned Russian Artist. Professor Afremov has now passed away but my learning experiences with him were incredible and I learned so much. He was my inspiration to work with abstracts and feeling freedom in doing my own techniques of texture, adventure and having fun, which is my goal for all of us in our artistic pursuits! 


                              Helen Andersen   

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